The 5-year anniversary of Citizens United is approaching. A look back, and what you can do about it

by Guest Blogger

January 8, 2015

Koch Bros Fat Cat Protest

Activists inflate a giant Fat Cat outside the Washington Convention Center, where the Koch Brothers' political group Americans For Prosperity held its annual summit.

© Greenpeace / Robert Meyers

January 21st will mark the five-year anniversary of Citizens United, and what a destructive 5 years its been.

You may remember where you were when you heard the news, the Supreme Court case between the conservative group Citizens United and the Federal Election Commission.

The Courts decision tossed out previous campaign contribution limits, and paved the way for unlimited political spending.

The results have been predictable.

Between the 2010 and 2012 election cycles, fundraising by Super PACS exploded from $66 million to $533 million–the vast majority from business interests. The 2014 election was likely the most expensive midterm in history, totalling some $3.7 billion in political spending.

And the sources of the money dont bode well. Environmental villains like the ultra-wealthy Koch brothers and corporations like Shell and Monsanto have unleashed an unprecedented flood of money to elect politicians who support their agendas.

Restoring our democracy

Upset? Youre not alone. More than three quarters of Americans disapprove of Citizens United.

A constitutional amendment would reverse Citizens United. But while an amendment is simple in theory, it isnt easy to obtain.

Its a change that could take years, but is definitely possible. A majority of the Senate voted for an amendment last year. Citizens across the country are also taking action. Over 500 towns and major cities, as well as 16 states, have passed resolutions to overturn Citizens United.

But more can be done.

Greenpeace and dozens of other organizations are putting together a petition of 5 million signatures, urging Congress to create an amendment. But we are still just over a million names short, with just weeks left before we take a stand on Capitol Hill.

Are you ready to take a stand? Sign the petition to Congress, and put the we back in We the People!

Because when elected officials are no longer owned by corporations, the peoples demands for clean air, water, and a safe climate can come first.

We Need Your Voice. Join Us!

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