Hundreds Rally in New York City to Shut Down Indian Point

by Guest Blogger

August 12, 2011

This post from Greenpeace volunteer Mandy Grzymala follows yesterday’s rally in New York City to shut down Indian Point Nuclear plant

This afternoon, Dag Hammarskjolf Plaza is filled with hundreds of protestors supporting the closure of Indian Point Nuclear Plant in memory of the Fukushima disaster. Greenpeace partnered with NYPIRG, gathered supporters, and broadcast our message against the relicensing of Indian Point for another twenty years. With more supporters arriving every minute, the call to “Shut It Down!” has begun to grow.

Five months since the Fukushima nuclear disaster, we turn a cautious eye to Indian Point Nuclear Plant (one of the oldest and most dangerous nuclear plants in our country) and its location on two major fault lines. A mere 35 miles north of New York City, it would be impossible to evacuate the 20 million people who live and work within a 50-mile radius.

photo by Palzom Pradhan

Speakers include notable figures such as Congressman Jerrold Nadler, and ex-Congressman and musician John Hall. “Indian Point would never be built today,” remarks Congressman Nadler. “If the risks are too great to build it today, why are we considering relicensing it?” With Indian Point relicensing currently being debated, this crowd at Dag Hammarskjolf Plaza builds the movement to shut the old and dangerous plant down.

Greenpeace continues to push for a complete shut down of Indian Point Nuclear Plant and it is crucial to continue to fight against the relicensing of the facility. We thank Governor Cuomo for his good work to shut down Indian Point and urge Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand to join the effort.

See more about the rally at New York 1 News.

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