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Greenpeace Arctic Sunrise Ship Crew Saves Humpback Whale Entangled in Fishing Gear
On October 21, the crew of the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise rescued a humpback whale entangled in fishing gear. The rescue emphasizes the precarious situation that marine mammals face as…
Greenpeace Renews Call for Ocean Protection to Address Whale Deaths
There is no evidence whatsoever linking offshore wind to whale deaths. The manufactured hysteria is the result of fake news promoted by politicians, big oil, and their cronies to save…
How to Stop Whale Deaths from Real Threats, Not Lies About Wind Energy
Greenpeace offices and activists around the world have worked to protect whales and the oceans they call home for decades. The threats to whales and all marine life have evolved…
New report: Whales in danger as clock ticks towards deep sea mining
In the wake of baseless claims that offshore wind is a threat to whales, a new peer-reviewed report published today by the University of Exeter and Greenpeace Research Laboratories finds…
Greenpeace Calls for Ocean Protection to Address Whale Deaths
In response to reports of a spate of whale deaths off the North East Coast of the United States, Arlo Hemphill, Greenpeace USA’s Senior Oceans Campaigner, said: “The unusual number…
Greenpeace supporting whale science with the Arctic Sunrise
This week, the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise hosted researchers deploying acoustic monitors used to study whales and dolphins in the Atlantic Ocean.
A Review of the Impact of Seismic Survey Noise on Arctic Wildlife
Firing seismic airguns to find new oil reserves in the Arctic Ocean is ‘alarming’ and could seriously injure whales and other marine life, according to a new scientific review. The…
“Save the Whales” 35th Anniversary
On April 27, 1975, Greenpeace launched the world’s first anti-whaling campaign from the docks of Vancouver. The mission would become the spark that ignited a global “Save the Whales” movement…