Trump’s Getting All Cute Because He Knows He’s Losing

We need to talk about Trump’s kisses, the polls, and new COVID-19 records.


October 14, 2020

With less than a month left until election day, it’s important we look at what’s really happening. Trump's trying to distract and divide us.

With Trump promising to kiss everyone on the campaign trail after testing positive for COVID-19 a week ago and more than 20 states have set records for new coronavirus infections, the news surrounding him just keeps getting more ludicrous, tired, and stale.

That’s why with less than a month left in this election season, it’s important we look at what’s really happening in the Trump campaign.

First, voter turnout in 2020 could shatter records

Trump knows he’s losing this election so he’s hitched his wagon to sowing chaos, stoking fear, and being a one-man sideshow to distract us, divide us, and stop us from voting at all.

He doesn’t want us to join together to demand the proven solutions all of our friends and families need. 

But if Trump thinks his circus is going to stop us, he’s dead wrong. As we speak, 10+ million determined voters all across the U.S. have already cast early ballots by mail, drop boxes, or in person.

It’s easy to see through Trump’s distractions, divisions, and attempts to blame new immigrants, Black people, and people struggling to make ends meet for our hard times. His corrupt administration and failure to protect us from the COVID-19 pandemic have not been going unnoticed.

People are not standing for Trump’s crap. This election is going to be a historic one.

Second, Trump’s false claim of voter fraud is being used to suppress votes

Trump knows he’s losing this election so he wants to pick and choose who can vote and how votes will be counted. His countless statements and tweets with false claims of voter fraud are evidence enough. He’s trying to disenfranchise people who live in this country.

In fact, a New York Times Magazine investigation based on a review of thousands of pages of court records and interviews, found that Trump was promoting the false claim that voter fraud is a horrible problem in the U.S. to gain an advantage.

Hell, the Californian Republican Party just admitted to putting misleading ballot boxes all around the state! What more evidence is there?

How do you spell abuse of power? T.R.U.M.P.

Do you know what political distractions, manipulation, and corruption all add up to? Abuse of power. And, that’s exactly what Trump is doing.

“Though the goals of the campaign complement and build on long-running disenfranchisement efforts aimed at Black and Latino voters, the investigation shows that the Trump administration has used the full force of the federal government, from the Department of Homeland Security to the Postal Service, to prop up limp claims of fraud as no White House has ever before.” New York Times

Law enforcement investigations have repeatedly failed to find any major evidence of voter fraud in the U.S.

Third, tens of thousands are voting and preparing to make sure every vote counts

Whether you’re Black or white, Native or immigrant, Latinx or Asian, we know that for democracy to work for all of us, it must include us all. That’s why so many people are joining together in cross-racial solidarity to vote.

Due to coronavirus and health concerns, more people will be voting absentee than ever before. Absentee ballots will take longer to count because of security measures needed to verify the accuracy of those ballots. Some states can’t even start counting absentee ballots until after polls have closed on election night.

Because of this vote counting lag, we must come together to ensure that every eligible vote is counted accurately and that there’s a democratic transfer of power.

Facts aren’t the only player in the event of a contested election. The media, the raging news cycle, social media disinformation campaigns, and Trump as the President himself can all be tools in swaying election results.

That’s why we must all vote to defeat Trump, and then mobilize in our communities to ensure that everyone’s vote is counted. Why? Because people power is the most powerful tool there is, and we’re the most powerful together. We’re confident that we’ll win and confident that every vote will be counted.

If necessary, Greenpeace volunteers, supporters and allies will be ready to take action be it from their homes, taking to the streets or however/wherever they can after election day to prevent Trump from unlawfully seizing power. We’re ready to demand that every vote be counted to protect our democracy and our planet.

There will be a democratic transfer of power. We believe that we will win.

Ten of thousands of people are with us. Will you make the pledge to Protect The Results?


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