Anti nuclear candidate wins Vermont Governor’s Race

by Jim Riccio

November 3, 2010

This afternoon we’re a step closer to shutting down Vermont Yankee!

Anti-Nuclear CampaignIn an extremely close race, Peter Shumlin (D) defeated Brain Dubie (R) and will be the next Governor of the Green Mountain State. Shumlin is an avowed opponent of extending the license of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant in Vernon past its expiration in 2012, citing the plant’s leaks and other problems and its owners’ poor record in dealing with state officials.

Dubie was open to granting the plant an extension to operate and wanted decisions about the Vermont Yankee’s future made by “experts” at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Vermont Public Service Board.

Entergy, which owns the decrepit 38 year old reactor, has vowed to challenge
the state and attempt to relicense the reactor. Greenpeace and our allies won
a major victory with the shut down vote and now have a Governor who will defend
that vote. Our job, now, as Greenpeace is to use our powers of persuasion and
convince Entergy to give up the ghost!

When Entergy bought the reactor, the corporation agreed that the State of Vermont would decide whether splitting atoms beyond the 40 year license was in the best interest of Vermonters.

The people have again spoken. Its now time for Entergy to live up to its agreement and shut down Vermont Yankee as scheduled.

Below is the statement we released to the media upon Shumlin’s victory from
our resident Vermonter aka Mark Floegel,

On Election Day, Vermonters elected Peter Shumlin as their next governor. Greenpeace congratulates Governor-elect Shumlin.

“Earlier this year, Peter Shumlin provided the impetus behind the Senate vote to retire the dirty, dangerous and dilapidated Vermont Yankee nuclear plant,” said Greenpeace’s Mark Floegel. “Mr. Shumlin’s election as governor proves again that Vermonters want a clean energy future. Entergy should withdraw its license renewal application and prepare to permanently retire the reactor in March 2012,” Floegel concluded.

In February the Vermont Senate voted 26 to 4 to deny Entergy and Vermont Yankee a certificate of public good. In a 26 to 4 vote, the Vermont Senate decided that the continued operation of the 38-year-old nuclear reactor was not in the best interest of Vermonters.

Greenpeace looks forward to working with the governor elect to ensure a safe and orderly shutdown of the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant.

Jim Riccio

By Jim Riccio

Jim Riccio served as Greenpeace’s Nuclear Policy Analyst from 2001 to 2017 and has over two decades of nuclear activist experience. He has been quoted in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, and Boston Globe, and has appeared on ABC News, NBC News, Al Jazeera, CNN, the Discovery Channel and the History Channel.

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