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Congress Caves to GOP Blackmail over Debt Ceiling, Throwing Frontline Communities Under the Bus
None of these anti-democratic and pro-polluter measures have any place in a bill meant to raise the debt ceiling. Even the fundamental arguments in favor of gutting NEPA are flawed.…
Senate Must Put a Halt to GOP Blackmail and Pass a Clean Debt Ceiling Bill
Speaker McCarthy and the House GOP were willing to threaten a catastrophic default in order to continue a cycle of exploitation against the working class and families trying to make…
House GOP Blackmails America to Favor Polluters
While holding the country hostage in debt ceiling negotiations, the House GOP crafted a deal that helps polluters and hurts already struggling families. WASHINGTON DC (May 30, 2023)–In response to…
Supporters Of Dirty Deal Are Sending A Clear Message: They Don’t Care About Our Lives
Endorsing this Dirty Deal is an assault on the health of the very same communities who canvassed, supported, and waited in line for hours to elect President Biden and a…
“Dirty Deal” Defeated Again — A Victory for People and Planet
In response to Senator Manchin and Senator Schumer’s dirty permitting deal being removed from the NDAA, Greenpeace USA Chief Program Officer Tefere Gebre said: “The will of the people triumphed…
Will Schumer and Pelosi Throw Environmental Justice Communities Under the Bus?
This is an unconscionable attempt from a Senator who puts the wants and needs of oil and gas lobbyists above those of his own constituents and our country. WASHINGTON DC…
This Must be the End of Manchin’s Dirty Deal
This must signal an end to backroom deals that sacrifice the health and safety of our communities at the altar of Big Oil profits. Washington DC (Sept. 27, 2022)–In response…
Environmental Leaders Sitting In on Capitol Hill to Protest Schumer/Manchin Permit Deal
Civil disobedience by directors of national and community environmental groups comes the day after the text of Manchin’s bill is released A group of 13 environmental and community leaders are…
Manchin’s Dirty Deal Would Sacrifice Lives And The Planet
This is not permitting reform. This is permitting a giveaway that benefits those who continue to line their pockets at the expense of those affected by climate disasters. Washington DC…
As Investigations Into Big Oil Continues, Manchin And Schumer Try To Push A Dirty Permitting Deal
This week three Congressional committees held hearings investigating Big Oil’s shady tactics to delay climate action, silence those who protect their communities, and sacrifice lives to grow their profits. Meanwhile,…