Brazilians demand President Dilma protect the Amazon

by Guest Blogger

March 8, 2012

Jaguar in the Amazon rainforest

BlogpostbyJess Miller, Greenpeace UK

The Forest Code is in danger, and with its future lies the fate of the Brazilian Amazon. Today, after another delay to the vote on the new law,thousands of Brazilians demonstrated in Brasilia, demanding Dilmaveto the new law.

Take action: Tell President Dilma to veto the new Forest Code!

Thevote on the new law, the last step before it goes to the Presidency for approval, was set for March 6thbut has been postponed till next week. The delay will have little impact on the already terrible text,as it is already full of problems. The law stimulates further deforestation and relieves the requirement for recovery of the vast majority of already illegally deforested areas, cancels fines for past criminals and offers nothing to those who fulfilled the law and protect existing forests on their land.

The demonstration in Brasilia today, comes after a week of demonstrations across Brazil and is a reminder to President Dilma of her campaign promises to veto any changes in the Forest Code that allows more logging in the Brazilian Amazon. The only way the Amazon will survive this process is for president Dilma toveto the new Forest Code.

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