KFC Executives Have Their Heads in a Bucket

by Chris Eaton

May 23, 2012

Example of KFC packaging product shown to contain rainforest fibre

© Greenpeace

KFC Napkins Tied to Rainforest Destruction

Earlier today we released a report exposing KFC for driving rainforest destruction and pushing tigers toward extinction.

Sadly, KFC executives have responded by putting a big bucket of denial on their heads.

The company first said that 60% of their packaging in the US comes from sustainable sources. Then, they said it was 80%. Hmmm. Then, they started to claim that they dont buy from Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) in the UK or US.

There are so many things wrong with this statements, were going to have to take them one by one.

First, KFC is clearly buying paper products that originate from APP. There is plenty of evidence in our report. I hope KFC executives take the time to read it. But, another way to prove this is with pretty pictures. Above is a photo of a box containing napkins destined for use in KFC. If you look at these napkins youll notice that the name PT Pindo Deli. This is an APP company based in Indonesia. Beyond this clear link, we had the napkins tested by an independent lab. You know what they found under the microscope? Mixed Tropical Hardwood wood fiber in other words, the remnants of rainforests.

Second, KFC executives are using the word sustainable in a very creative way. Their mysterious 60%-80% figures seems to include controversial clearcut logging that has been criticized for years by conservationists. If this is what the Colonel calls sustainable he has a bad case of denial.

Third, KFCs statement is specific to the US. This ignores its massive global operations. China not the US is KFCs largest market now. And, buying policy standards (or lack thereof) made in Louisville effect forests around the world.

This is all getting way more complicated than it needs to be. KFC and parent company Yum! Brands clearly have problems in their supply chain. They can be fixed. Other companies have taken on the same issues and figured it out. A global policy that sets standards for the kinds of paper the company will buy if properly implemented would do the trick.

But, that wont happen with a culture of denial. The first step is admitting you have a problem. Cmon Colonel…we know you can do it.

Want to help pull the bucket off the Colonels head? Click here to get involved and spread the word worldwide.

By Chris Eaton

Chris is the Senior Digital Campaigns Manager at Greenpeace USA. He's passionate about building movements and connecting change makers through digital storytelling. Follow him on Twitter at @chr15_eat0n.

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