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Coal Market Report – Risks to US coal mining and export proposals, July 2015
The US coal industry is facing structural decline and companies pursuing coal export proposals in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) are particularly at risk. This update highlights execution risks for PNW…
“Clean Coal” Pumps up “Green Oil”
Greenpeace USA just released “Carbon Capture Scam (CCS): How a False Climate Solution Bolsters Big Oil,” a report explaining why support for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) must stop. Cynics…
The Myth of China’s Endless Coal Demand
The US coal industry - reeling from sagging domestic demand, plummeting profits, and tanking stock prices - is desperate for a new market for its wares, and it thinks it has found one in China. But in reality, the Chinese market for US coal exports may dry up before major new US coal shipments ever…
Polluting Democracy
The majority of the ancient US coal fleet has not installed easily available technology that could reduce mercury pollution by 90%. Coal combustion is responsible for most US mercury pollution.…