Google grants more than $2 million for energy policy reform

by David Pomerantz

January 15, 2013

Wind farms 'Windfelder Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center' and 'Buffalo Gap' with Siemens wind turbines. The wind parks produce over 1200 megawatt and among the five largest in the world. Die Windparks, Windfelder Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center und Buffalo Gap. Hier mit Windkraftanlagen von Siemens, deren Maschinenhaus und Nabe die typische Form einer Zigarre haben. Die Parks gehoeren mit ueber 700 Windenergieanlagen und ueber 1200 Megawatt installierter elektrischer Leistung zu den 5 groessten der Welt. Ranchschild mit Cowboys.

© Paul Langrock / Zenit / Greenpeace

Wind Farm in Texas

Google has begun 2013 with announcements of two significant investments to advance the future of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the United States.

Marking a significant new milestone in its clean energy advocacy efforts, Googles philanthropic arm,, issued a grant of $2.65 million to the Energy Foundation on Monday to support policy reforms that will lead to more intelligent energy use.

Policy reforms is a key phrase here: Google isnt content to buy renewable energy for its data centers it actually wants policies that mean consumers and businesses can use more clean energy and be smarter about the energy they use.

Googles grant comes on the heels of a $200 million investment it made last week in a wind farm, the Spinning Spur project in the Texas panhandle. That put Googles to-date investments in clean energy projects at over $1 billion.

Were also proud to be the first investor in an EDF Renewable Energy project that is not a financial institution, as we believe that corporations can be an important new source of capital for the renewable energy sector, Google said of the investment.

Additionally, Google worked with organizations like ACORE to support extension of the Wind Production Tax Credit that barely eked through the U.S. Congress at the end of the year.While a one-year extension is hardly enough stability for the growing but still young U.S. wind industry, the extra 12 months will be crucial to getting more wind projects started in 2013.

Last year, Googles willingness to advocate for clean energy, and to put its money where its mouth is, earned it the top spot in Greenpeaces Cool IT Leaderboard, which ranks technology companies for their climate and clean energy leadership. Other US companies, like Microsoft, AT&T, and IBM, lagged far behind.

Greenpeace will release its next Cool IT Leaderboard at the end of February check it out to see how other companies compare to Googles clean energy leadership.

David Pomerantz

By David Pomerantz

David Pomerantz is a former Senior Climate and Energy Campaigner for Greenpeace USA, based in San Francisco. He helps lead Greenpeace's campaign for an economy powered by 100% renewable energy.

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