Greg Palast, author of Vulture’s Picnic interviewed on Greenpeace Radio

by Kert Davies

December 7, 2011

This week’s Greenpeace Radio show features Greg Palast, investigative reporter for BBC Television’s Newsnight.  Palast is a Puffin Foundation fellow in investigative reporting and is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Armed Madhouse and The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.  The Greenpeace Research Team met up with Greg about a year ago on the Gulf Coast while investigating the impacts of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster.  We showed Greg and his team where to find the oil that BP wanted to hide.

Listen to the podcast interview with Greg Palast on Greenpeace Radio

Greg gave us this Greenpeace excerpt from new book Vulture’s Picnic: in Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High-Finance Carnivores:

Greenpeace poisoned me and I’m forever grateful.  In my investigation of the BP Deepwater Horizon horror for British TV, I got nothing but jive from British Petroleum.  Nature’s a happy toilet:  she cleaned herself up, BP told me and told NPR:  bacteria ate the oil. 

Then Greenpeace showed up with a shrieking fast Zodiac boat, loaded up with the brilliant professor of biology, Rick Steiner … and got dumped right into the goo and the scum and toxic oil sludge that BP said didn’t exist. 

As a journalist reporting for BBC and The Guardian, I rely on Greenpeace to cut through the fact pollution contained in industry press releases.  When Greenpeace says there’s oil out there, Greenpeace SHOWS me the oil (or, in this case, dumps me into it).  Hard, gooey facts.   And here’s part of the story that could not have been written without the persistence and cussedness of Greenpeace.

Thanks Greg and now everyone buy and read this book!

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