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EMD gjenopptar behandlingen av klimaklagen mot Norge
Behandlingen av Greenpeace og Natur og ungdoms første klimasøksmål mot staten gjenopptas i Den europeiske menneskerettighetsdomstolen i Strasbourg i august.
Media briefing: The new climate lawsuit
Greenpeace Nordic and Natur og Ungdom (Young Friends of the Earth Norway) are taking the Norwegian state to court again.
Environmental organisations sue the Norwegian government over new oil fields
Greenpeace og Natur og Ungdom går til nytt klimasøksmål mot staten. Vi mener staten har brutt Høyesteretts klimakrav ved godkjenning av tre olje- og gassfelt.
European Human Rights Court adjourns Norwegian climate case
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has decided to postpone the proceedings in the Norwegian climate application.
Young Norwegian environmentalists ask the European Court of Human Rights to secure their rights in the face of climate change
Six young activists and environmental organisations have asked the European Court of Human Rights to secure their rights in the face of climate change.
Media Brief: People vs. Arctic Oil
Greenpeace, Young Friends of the Earth Norway, and six young climate activists, will file an application with the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).
The Norwegian State calls for rejection of Arctic oil case by European Court of Human Rights
The Norwegian state argues that the European Court of Human Rights should reject the case filed by environmental organisations and six young activists,
Arctic oil case takes big steps towards the European Court of Human Rights
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has characterised the Arctic oil case as a potential “impact case”. This is a significant development in the case.
Youth take Arctic oil to European Court
The environmental organisations and activists hope that the European Court of Human Rights will find that Norway’s oil expansion is in breach of human rights.
Meet the applicants
Young Norwegian environmentalists ask the European Court of Human Rights to secure their rights in the face of climate change. Meet the applicants.