Apply Now for Action Camp 2016

by Melissa O'Neil

January 13, 2016

Calling all activists and changemakers! Join Greenpeace for Action Camp 2016, a six-day-long non-violent direct action training and skillshare.

Applications for Greenpeace Action Camp 2016 are officially open!

Action Camp is a six-day training in non-violent direct action techniques, including action climbing, blockades, arts and creative resistance, and scouting. This year’s Action Camp will be held in Tampa Bay, Florida from April 2 to 7, 2016. To join us, apply here by February 4, 2016.

The lead up to these trainings always makes me think back to my first Action Camp, which was a veritable whirlwind of knots, gear, climbing trees, mud (because it rained and rained), and amazing people. The long days of intensive training focused on climbing, anchors, knots, non-violence, how to talk to the media, and how to talk on radios, punctuated by great food. And did I mention the people? We shared space and ideas and skills, and I came away from camp tired and excited and anxious for more.

I went to action camp to get more involved in direct action, but I came away with much more.

We’re excited to once again be offering this six-day, intensive training for people to learn and share skills. We are looking for people who want to create change in their communities and in the world — people who are willing to stand up and speak out. We are looking for people who love this world and its beings and are willing to work tirelessly to protect them both.

If you are interested in engaging with other activist-minded folks, interested in coming together to honor diversity and work across difference, please consider joining us this April 2 to 7 at Greenpeace Action Camp in Tampa Bay, Florida.

There is so much work to do, and we need people who are committed to change — people like you. Join us!

Click here for more information and to apply to Greenpeace Action Camp 2016. For questions or volunteer inquiries, please contact [email protected].

By Melissa O'Neil

Melissa O'Neil is part of the actions team at Greenpeace USA.

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