Fun Fridays

by Guest Blogger

August 28, 2009

During the school year, we have our “Fun Friday” afternoons. We open the many letters we receive from school groups, tape up our favorite pictures, and send back brochures, book marks, and personalized letters. We truly enjoy reading about the many ways classes make a difference in their schools and their creative fundraising initiatives. During one staff meeting, we even broadcast a homemade video which a school group showed in their community as a fundraiser!

Now that the school year is starting up again, here are some ideas if you or your classmates want to get involved but aren’t quite sure how:

As an academic project, one group tackledglobal warmingas a four part project including a written report, a photo report, a display board, and an action point. For their action point, they chose to raffle off three themed baskets with gift cards. The raffle tickets were sold at their class exhibition and then donated.

Student led environmental groups have set-up donation tables with materials we’ve provided covering deforestation, oceans, and toxics. A high school group chose toxic electronics, which includes video games(!),as their fundraising topic because of its relevance to their everyday lives.

Onedeterminedclub made hand-sewn canvas totes to promote reusable bags and sold their totes during the school’s Earth Day festivities. They donated the proceeds raised from selling their totes toclassmates, staff, and community members.

Classes have organized weekend walk-a-thons, yard sales, and recycling drivesin their communities to raise awareness and fully understand how they can go green in their own lives.

If your school doesn’t have an Environmental Club, you should start one with the help of a teacher and classmates! Clubs are a great way to tellyour fellow studentsabout the importance ofrecycling,using reusable bags and water bottles, and turning off lights and electronics when leaving theclassroom. As your club grows, you can get involved in or organize school-wide volunteer opportunities, pressure your administration to make environmentally wise purchases for the classroom, and your classmates to be responsible!

We love to hear what projects you and your friends take on at school and at home! Send us your drawings, photos, and information requests to the below DC address and we’ll try our best to get a package out to you!

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Want to learn more about tax-deductible giving, donating stock and estate planning?

Visit Greenpeace Fund, a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charitable entity created to increase public awareness and understanding of environmental issues through research, the media and educational programs.