Greenpeace Joins Global Day of Action Against Violence in Mexico

by Guest Blogger

November 12, 2014

5 de noviembre de 2014. México, Distrito Federal. 3a Acción Global por Ayotzinapa

Alonso Crespo

Editor’s Note: This blog has been translated and adaptedfrom a Greenpeace Mexico press release. Click here to read in the original Spanish.

Mexico City- On Wednesday, November 5, Greenpeace Mexico joined a Global Day of Action to express our solidarity with the relatives and friends of victims of a recent period of violence and demand justice. A month and a half ago 6 people were killed, 20 more were injured and 43 students went missing at the hands of the municipal police in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero.

Since its founding 43 years ago Greenpeace worked toward a more green and peaceful future and equality for all. We cannot ignore the acts of injustice taking place in Mexico that threaten both people and the environment.

Corruption, impunity, inequality and violence are rampant in Mexico and Greenpeace believes our role in society requires us to stand up for the victims and their families. In fact, we all have the responsibility to address these social problems.

The disappearance of the 43 students of the Rural Normal School Ral Isidro Burgos in Ayotzinapa took place after a confrontation with police on September 26. This event highlights a complete breakdown of the three levels of government: local, state and federal. The students were taken by allegedly corrupt police in Iguala. The officers are alleged to have worked for organized crime.

Greenpeace Mexico and many of our supporters joined this March to demand a halt to impunity and corruption, to share the outrage, and to demand a more just society.

Greenpeace, along withmillions of people, international agencies, and governments of other countries, are asking Mexican President, Enrique Pea Nieto, to bring justice for the victims and their families, a transparent investigation, punishment for those responsible for this crime, and ensure a country that promotes peace and environmental social justice.

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