Join Greenpeace on “The Road Not Taken”

by Cassady Craighill

January 29, 2013

Poet Robert Frost

50 years ago today renowned poet Robert Frost took his last breath. This anniversary has got a few of us at Greenpeace thinking about his poetry and one work in particular, “The Road Not Taken.” Those words and the emotions they evoked similarly inspired the work several of us, and perhaps you, do for Greenpeace today.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

While several travelers choose the road to a better collective future for humanity and its habitat, it is no easy journey, and in fact, it would be far easier to give up. Yet there is a reason we don’t. Take a moment to remember the time you decided on the roads you’ve chosen or could have chosen and what difference that made in your life. Perhaps they have something to do with why you’re finding yourself reading a Greenpeace blog today.

Listen below to a reading by Robert Frost of “The Road Not Taken.”

Cassady Craighill

By Cassady Craighill

Cassady is a media officer for Greenpeace USA based on the East Coast. She covers climate change and energy, particularly how both issues relate to the Trump administration.

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