Pleasantly proven wrong by people power

by Guest Blogger

November 21, 2012

One of my favorite Lead Activists, Brian, with his local KFC store manager

For this last month here at Greenpeace, I have been involved in the campaign for KFC to drop deforestation from its menus. It has made me all too aware of the colossal scale and pace of deforestation in Indonesia and its devastating consequences for species, communities and the climate.

As recently as the 1960s, more than 80 percent of Indonesia was forested. Today, just under half of Indonesias original forest cover remains one of the reasons that Southeast Asia has the worlds highest rate of deforestation and critically endangered species.

When I was told that 5 percent of all global greenhouse gas emissions are now coming from Indonesia, I was horrified, but also galvanized. I knew there was a big fight to be had and I was so ready to get involved!

For the past month, Greenpeace activists across the country have been doing local KFC visits and mobilizing store managers to take part in the campaign to save the Sumatran tiger – and weve had a great response.

There are only 400 Sumatran Tigers left in the wild

We had meaningful, informative conversations with local KFC store managers nationwide! We gave personal appeals, told managers why we are so concerned, handed over our report exposing KFC, and asked them to let senior management know our concerns. One manager was so shocked and upset that he closed for the day!

On my end, Ive been on the phone to Greenpeace lead activists across the USA, talking with them about how best to take our concerns right to the source. I spoke to one hundred inspiring people throughout the country who voiced their disgust and individually went to their local stores demanding that KFC end its relationship with suppliers who rely on rainforest clearance, including the infamous Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) in Indonesia.

I remember being in a briefing with my teammates learning about the destruction of Indonesias natural wonders . Not only did I feel overwhelmed by the sheer size of the problem, but I didnt believe many people would care enough to go out and take action. Wrong. Ive been totally empowered by the vast number of people who did exactly this! Its been refreshing chatting to people that want to talk about why they feel the need to protect the rainforest and its inhabitants, people that were happy to take 30 minutes out of their day to do this.

The engaging tactic we used and the people involved have given me new hope and motivation.

Forest land clearing by one of APP's pulp wood suppliers

I have spoken to one hundred people on the phone who have joined me and the thousands of people worldwide who are calling for KFC to become a true leader in the effort to protect the worlds forests.

Will you?

Tell KFC to stop serving up fast food in forest destruction by taking action today.

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