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Portofino Marine Protected Area joins Greenpeace Italy “Progetto Mare Caldo” (Hot Sea Water Project”. The underwater thermometers placed in the area since 2015 have registered an increase in water temperature. The Greenpeace dive team with researcher have checked the impact on the local biodiversity, and have found clear signs of the impact of climate change (similar to those observed in Elba Island).

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Autumn atmosphere in the Hainich National Park in Thuringia. The primeval beech forest is a protected area for plants and animals. Herbststimmung im Nationalpark Hainich in Thüringen. Der Buchenurwald ist Schutzgebiet für Pflanzen und Tiere.

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Russian security services abseil from a helicopter onto the deck of the Arctic Sunrise and seize the ship at gunpoint following an attempt by five Greenpeace International activists to climb the ‘Prirazlomnaya’, an oil platform operated by Russian energy giant Gazprom, in the Pechora Sea. The activists were there to peacefully protest against Arctic oil drilling.

Dona il 5×1000

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Portofino Marine Protected Area joins Greenpeace Italy “Progetto Mare Caldo” (Hot Sea Water Project”. The underwater thermometers placed in the area since 2015 have registered an increase in water temperature. The Greenpeace dive team with researcher have checked the impact on the local biodiversity, and have found clear signs of the impact of climate change (similar to those observed in Elba Island).


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Polar Bears Wait for Winter Migration. © Robert Visser / Greenpeace
A polar bear with two juveniles near Churchill, Manitoba. A report by Ian Sterling with the Canadian Wildlife Service links a decline in the weight of adult polar bears in the western Hudson Bay area to global warming. © Robert Visser / Greenpeace


Una grande donazione a Greenpeace è un investimento sul futuro del pianeta, che ci rende liberi di agire e disobbedire.

Russian security services abseil from a helicopter onto the deck of the Arctic Sunrise and seize the ship at gunpoint following an attempt by five Greenpeace International activists to climb the ‘Prirazlomnaya’, an oil platform operated by Russian energy giant Gazprom, in the Pechora Sea. The activists were there to peacefully protest against Arctic oil drilling.

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