18,100 citizens send comments to the government to stop Shell’s arctic oil drilling

by Melanie Duchin

December 21, 2010

Take action today

Would you want 18,100 emails in your inbox? I doubt it! But, in just two days, 18,100 people, like you, took action and sent public comments to the government urging them to stop Shell Oil’s plans to drill for oil in the fragile Arctic’s Beaufort Sea.

I’m encouraged that so many of you took time away from holiday shopping and cookie making to speak up for the polar bears and endangered bowhead whales who call the Beaufort Sea “home.”

The government has to tally and count every public comment, all our comments matter and will help the fragile Arctic avoid the catastrophes that go hand-in-hand with oil drilling.

Thanks to the thousands of you who’ve taken action. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is. If you haven’t taken action yet, please do so today. We only have 1 day left to get our comments into the government so they’ll count.

If you have taken action, please spread the word far and wide. Email your friends, share the action alert on Facebook and Twitter.

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