24 Hours of Awesome: Starting NOW!

by Chris Eaton

April 13, 2011

24 hours of awesome

Right now a Guinness World Record attempt is underway, and you too can make your mark on history. For the next 24 hours, the Facebook ‘Unfriend Coal’ Campaign is taking aim at the record for most Facebook comments within a 24-hour period.

Comment and share, that’s all you need to do. But collectively we need to do it 50,000 times to set the record within this timeframe: http://bit.ly/f9YMAR.

Hit up www.facebook.com/UnfriendCoal to leave a comment now! Then ask your friends to help set the record as well.

We are also delivering your messages directly to Facebook staff all day on a scrolling screen outside their office, so post your comment now and be seen. The 50 best commenters will win a t-shirt from the ‘Unfriend Coal’ Campaign.

Tips to help us set the record:

– You have to ‘like’
www.facebook.com/UnfriendCoal to comment
– Comment multiple times – it still counts!

– “@nametag” ten friends in the comment so they can join in the record too.

– Share the link on your profile

– Stay on topic – Facebook and renewable energy. Send your message to Facebook staff. Ask questions. Give opinions. Spark debate. Tell your story!

Why are we doing this? Because it would be awesome to hold a World Record. And because the Earth Day deadline that we gave Facebook to announce a plan to go coal-free is fast-approaching. As of yet, there has been no indication that the company plans to replace dirty coal and nuclear with clean, renewable energy.

Just two of Facebook’s data centers use the same amount of electricity as over 65,000 average American homes. We are asking Facebook to power those data centers – and all future ones – with renewable energy, and to ‘unfriend’ dirty coal and dangerous nuclear. We’re pretty sure that 50,000 comments on their website will get Facebook’s attention.

Today we are showing Facebook staff the huge global support that exists for a coal-free Facebook.

Go speak your mind. Be part of a Guinness World Record attempt for the greatest number of comments on a Facebook post within 24 hours!


By Chris Eaton

Chris is the Senior Digital Campaigns Manager at Greenpeace USA. He's passionate about building movements and connecting change makers through digital storytelling. Follow him on Twitter at @chr15_eat0n.

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