A BIG Welcome Home for President Obama

by Marie Michelson

December 11, 2009

Today was a total adrenaline rush. Ok, no, I wasn’t hanging off a bridge or risking my life, but for a web geek like me, it was pretty amazing.

That’s because we unfurled an enormous 80×40 foot banner with 50,000 signatures to President Obama DIRECTLY under his helicopter as he returned home from Oslo today.

In fact, his helicopter even slowed down and briefly hovered over the banner, so I’m SURE he could clearly see our message to him: LEAD, Save the Climate. The banner included an image of him that’s made up of all of the signatures supporters like you sent in.



So you see, for me to get a chance to watch something we (50,000 of us!) did online get delivered in such an amazing way – THAT really was an adrenaline rush!


Obama's Helicopter


President Obama will head to Copenhagen in exactly a week, and I hope he takes our message to him to heart. We need him to lead the world to a fair, ambitious, and binding treaty.

If you weren’t already part of this banner, I hope you’ll sign up for our email list, follow us on Twitter, and fan us on Facebook to be part of everything we do in the future . And if you were one of the 50,000 people who were a part of this – THANK YOU!


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