Broadcasting live from Apples headquarters

by Guest Blogger

May 15, 2012

Radiation Monitoring

Two Greenpeace radiation monitoring teams are now hard at work outside the Fukushima evacuation zone: one investigating health threats and testing food and milk, while the other is looking at surface contamination.


Still no evacuation for Iitate

Following our first monitoring team’s radiation findings, we called on the Japanese government to evacuate the contaminated areas outside the official zone, after confirming the authorities radiation data for the town of Iitate, which is 40km from the devastated Fukushima nuclear plant and 20km outside the official evacuation zone. Staying in Iitate for just a few days could mean exposure to the annual allowable dose of radiation.

On Sunday March 27th, our first team measured radiation of between 7 and 10 microsievert per hour in the town of Iitate, which is high enough to require evacuation – the maximum allowable accumulated annual dose for members of the public is 1000 microsieverts. The levels detected refer to external radiation, and do not take into account the further risks such of ingestion or inhalation.

Our team’s findings confirmed those by the Fukushima Prefectural Government for Iitate, and those of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

The government has yet to call for an evacuation.

A need for independent monitoring

Recent reports that Japan's government withheld information about radiation risks outside the evacuation zone add to the urgency our field team faces to supply accurate, independent information to local communities.

According to NHK:

It has been learned that the Japanese government withheld the release of computer projections indicating high levels of radioactivity in areas more than 30 kilometers from the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.


The estimates showed that the radiation would exceed 100 millisieverts in some areas more than 30 kilometers from the nuclear plant if people remained outdoors for 24 hours between March 12th and 24th.

That is 100 times higher than the 1 millisievert-per-year long-term reference level for humans as recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection.

Photo: Diasuke Miyachi of the Greenpeace radiation monitoring team in Fukushima. © Christian Åslund / Greenpeace

by Brandy Palm

My name is Brandy and Im here in our iPod to send Apple your messages. Were right in front of Apples headquarters in Cupertino, California, in an eight-foot tall, ten-foot wide pod broadcasting audio messages from people like you to Apples employees and executives asking the company to power its iCloud with clean energy instead of coal.

In the past month, 215,000 of you have written to Apple to tell them that we want their iCloud to be powered by clean energy, not coal.

This is an incredibly important issue for me personally. I use Apple products every day, just like millions of people around the world. I use my iPad every day in school, just like the one Im using right now in this pod. It helps me in everything from taking notes, helping me to study for my tests (or even distracting me from class every once in a while.) My iPhone helps me connect with my friends.

I dont want to stop using those great tools. I want Apple to use their influence to power the iCloud I use every day with clean energy, not dirty coal thats bringing our planet to the brink of disaster.

Its been really inspiring to see how many of you agree in your messages! Here are a few of my favorites:

“Surely a visionary company like Apple can see that renewable energy is not only the smart thing to do, it’s the right thing to do. Clean our Cloud!”

“Imagine, design, create … Apple you need to approach your energy usage with the same ideals. You are supposed to be at the forefront of innovation yet you are using outdated, non-sustainable energy producers. Go Green!”

Were going to stay here and read Apple your messages as long as we can. If you havent sent them one yet, join the fun by going to and well try to read your message too!

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Over 215,000 people have signed our petition asking Apple to power its iCloud with clean energy. The writings on the wall for Apple: its time to clean up the cloud.Send them the message yourself right now!

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