Charles’ and Blanche’s story, brought to you by PolluterHarmony

by Mike Gaworecki

April 1, 2010

The folks at PolluterHarmony have done it again! They’ve made another successful love (of money) match!

The happy couple Charles, a “secretive bilionaire,” and Blanche, a US Senator with an environmental record that is “exactly what [he] was looking for” have recorded a new testimonial video for PolluterHarmony:

How they find time for each other is a mystery to me, since Charles keeps such a busy schedule of obstructing clean energy and climate policy by funding climate denial organizations. But he also spends lots of money directly lobbying federal legislators like Blanche, and his PAC spends quite a bit to support candidates for federal office again, like Blanche. So I guess they probably share a lot of $pecial moment$ after all.

Sure enough, since 2009 Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) has received $11,000 from Kochs PAC, making her the top recipient of Koch PAC money in the US Senate during this election cycle. Senator Lincoln is also the top recipient of campaign contributions from the oil & gas industry, taking $255,650 during the 2009-2010 cycle.

All that extra special attention seems to have swept Senator Lincoln off her feet: Earlier this year she supported legislative efforts to protect big polluters like Charles Koch Industries by blocking the Environmental Protection Agency from using the Clean Air Act to address global warming pollution. Thats a sweetheart of a deal for Charles, since Koch Industries owns oil refineries in Texas, Alaska, and Minnesota.

If you want to share the love Charles and Blanche have found, go to and do so with the tools weve provided.

You can view Polluterharmonys other success stories at, including a recent profile of the relationship between another major oil CEO, Rex, and his partner in offshore drilling, Governor “Bob McD.”

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