Chevron guilty of polluting the Amazon

by Phil Radford

February 22, 2011

Last week a judge in Ecuador found Chevron guilty of polluting the Amazon rainforest and ordered the company to pay $9 billion in damages. Chevron plans to challenge the ruling. One top Chevron official has been quoted as saying that they would fight this case “until hell freezes over, and then skate on the ice.”   

Chevron has a long history of avoiding their dirty mistakes through greenwashing ads and paying reporters to create their own news videos about the contamination of the Amazon.

While Chevron tries to spin the truth in the U.S., its tricks in Ecuador may be far dirtier and deadlier. Recent evidence points to the possibility that Chevron tampered with contaminated samples that has been evidence in the case. Others testifying against Chevron have received death threats.

Write Chevron’s CEO and tell him the ruling is right – clean up Ecuador now.

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