Cincinnatians Speak Out: Duke Energy, Were Sick of Relying on Dirty Coal

by Kate Melges

September 1, 2011

Greenpeace activists gather outside the first hearing on Duke's rate plan for Southwestern Ohio.

Concerned residents of Cincinnati, young and old, came out to the first of four Public Utilities Commission of Ohio hearings on Duke Energys rate plan to testify that they are sick of being held back by Dukes reliance on dirty coal power. RSVP to the last hearing in Cincinnati on September 9th at 12:30pm at Cincinnati City Hall.

Some testified as to their trouble breathing while participating in outdoor activities in Cincinnati. Jenna Taylor told PUCO members she dreams of the day when she can play softball and not worry about needing her inhaler to be outside.

Valerie Corwin, a resident of New Richmond, OH where the Beckjord coal plant is located, testified about the thick, black soot she has to wipe off her car every day that comes from the nearby stacks. Valerie also spoke of family members that have passed away due to illnesses she thinks have been exacerbated or even caused by the pollution from Beckjord.

Many residents also testified that they object to the outrageous idea that Duke would still be allowed to pass along costs to former customers who have since switched power providers in the form of riders. That means even someone who buys renewable energy from a provider like Cincinnati Bell is paying for Dukes coal plants!

“We are not here to bail out Duke, said one customer succinctly. If Duke wants to hold onto its coal plants despite their age and threat to the community, the PUCO should make the company bear that financial risk and not ratepayers.

Do you live near Cincinnati? We need you to tell Duke that we are ready to move away from coal!

RSVP for the hearing on September 9th.

Trainings to testify at the hearing will take place Tuesday 9/6, Wednesday 9/7 and Thursday 9/8 @ 6:00pm at the Greenpeace office at 117 E. 12th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.

Kate Melges

By Kate Melges

Kate Melges is an oceans campaigner based in Seattle. She leads Greenpeace’s Ocean Plastics work. Kate’s focus is ending the flow of plastic pollution into the ocean.

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