Greenpeace Semester: North Carolina Bound

by Mary Sweeters

March 4, 2013

Greenpeace participants Devin and Heather paint banners as part of the preparation for their trip to Raleigh, NC.

This past week, Greenpeace Semester participants spent most of their time preparing to go to Raleigh, North Carolina. Why? They are spending the next two weeks there for what is called the Greenpeace Semester Campaign Trip, which is a chance to put the skills they’ve learned into practice. They’ll be talking to residents about the impact of Duke Energy’s dirty energy policy on North Carolinians and helping out at a public hearing. They’ll also join the students at NC State to advocate for divestment from dirty energy.

Stay tuned for more updates on their adventures!

The Greenpeace Semester is now accepting applications for the spring and fall term – apply here.

Mary Sweeters

By Mary Sweeters

Mary Sweeters is a Climate and Energy Campaigner with Greenpeace USA. She works to fight the undue influence of the oil industry in solidarity with communities affected by oil extraction, pollution, and climate change, and to advocate for a just transition to a clean energy economy. She is from Sonoma, California.

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