Help us hold them accountable

by Mike Gaworecki

February 12, 2010

We launched our new PolluterWatch project to expose the work our elected representatives are doing at the behest of polluter lobbyists and their clients in the big oil, big coal, and other big polluter industries.

And as you might have seen, we launched a couple days ago — just in time for Valentine’s Day! pHarmony, as we like to call it, uses “a unique compatibility algorithm” that matches polluters and politicians based on their love of dirty energy, their past environmental violations, and their ability to ignore the public health interests of real people.

Now we need your help to hold climate criminals accountable.

Big corporations know that the public doesn’t trust them, so they funnel millions of dollars to front groups who do their dirty work for them. And no one plays the front-group-and-junk-science game quite like Exxon Mobil and its CEO Rex Tillerson. That’s exactly why we started PolluterWatch: to hold people like Mr. Tillerson accountable.

Greenpeace: Tillerson Wanted Poster

We can’t outspend a company like Exxon on fancy ad campaigns and promotional blitzes, but we can educate the public about polluters’ influence-peddling and propagandizing. Then we can demand accountability for them and the lobbyists and politicians who’ve worked with them to confuse the debate on climate policy and undermine attempts to regulate emissions in the U.S. — all to protect Exxon’s profits at the expense of the planet.

Help us get started by putting up “Wanted” posters for Mr. Tillerson in your hometown.

The idea is a simple one: Download our short one-page toolkit and print out a few copies of the Wanted poster we’ve created for Rex Tillerson. The toolkit contains a black and white version of the wanted poster, to make it easy to print. But you can download the color version as a PDF, if you want that one. And remember to use recycled paper!

Put these posters up around your town, then take pictures and post them to your Facebook, MySpace, or Tumblr. Or TwitPic them, or put them on your blog, or start a blog right here on our site and post them there to share with our activist community. Just make sure you use the keyword “polluterwatch,” or put the hashtag #polluterwatch in your tweets, so we can find them.

We need to make sure that everyone in our communities knows who is really responsible for stalling progress on global warming. Because until people start putting names and faces with the groups who are undermining our future, we’re not going to be able to separate their propaganda from the truth and stop global warming. Take action today!

We Need Your Voice. Join Us!

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