LIVE BLOG: New action to stop Russian oil giant Gazprom’s oil platform in the Arctic

by Guest Blogger

August 27, 2012

A team of Greenpeace activists including the Executive Director of Greenpeace International attach themselves to the anchor chain of the Anna Akhmatova and chain their inflatable to it, preventing the ship from lifting anchor and sailing to the Prirazlomnaya oil platform to complete the work that will allow them to begin drilling in this fragile region. The banner display follows an earlier action when a team of 6 Greenpeace activists including Kumi Naidoo spent 15 hours on board Gazprom's giant Arctic oil platform off the North-eastern coast of Russia in the Pechora Sea. Gazprom looks set to begin full commercial drilling operations by early next year, becoming the first ever company to start commercial oil production in the offshore Arctic. 27/08/12

© Denis Sinyakov / Greenpeace


A short while ago, seven Greenpeace International activists, including Executive Director Kumi Naidoo, headed toward Gazprom’s giant drilling platform in the Russian Arctic for the second time in three days. The activists, in two high-speed boats, intercepted a supply vessel as it prepared to drop off the workers to the oil platform.

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Last updates :

We’ve stopped them for 7 hours and counting..

Our tiny boat is facing massive ship with huge water cannons. One of our RIB attached to the anchor has been flipped by hoses… Activists were in the water. They are now safe, and well, in another boat. Action is going on as another team is moving into position … stay tuned !

Kumi’s boat is now attached to anchor chain of this vessel – it’s not moving anywhere and so the platform workers cant get on-board, effectively stopping its preparations to drill for oil in the Arctic.

A Russian Coast Guard vessel is nearby, and presumably assessing the situation.

A second load of activists have been brought to the scene – now 14 in total.

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