My favorite Greenpeace video

by Guest Blogger

July 9, 2009

Some co-workers and myself were relaxing and recounting yesterday’s events when we started going through videos on YouTube… well some of my illustrious colleagues have never SEEN my favorite video.. and it shocked me. 

So, here I am shouting out to the world. Sigourney Weaver chills me, in a good way, and I feel honored that she took the time to help Greenpeace work and push for solutions for our planet. 

Take it away Dana Barrett! 



Hey, the woman dealt with Aliens and Ghosts! She’s the quintessential tough cookie!

PS – If you haven’t already, please please please please PLEASE(!) read/watch/skim the White House Climate Change Impacts Statement. It’s so powerful and really is helpful for putting politics into perspective, in additon to NVDA. Really, the time is now to become pests and demand what is required and ignore the folks who desire soley to profit at the expense of the planet and the people and animals that reside in it.



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