Oil company obtains ‘Twitter ban’ and ‘gagging order’ for Greenpeace

by Bex

July 19, 2011

Take action right now and tell Cairn’s CEO to end their attack on our right to free speech and your right to free information on the Internet.

In its latest move to cover up the truth about its Arctic drilling, Cairn Energy has obtained an extraordinary, wide-ranging legal interdict (injunction) against Greenpeace UK, gagging us from posting Tweets and Facebook updates containing photos of yesterday’s occupation of their Edinburgh headquarters.

The interdict also demands that we remove our Tweets and Facebook updates carrying pictures of protesters dressed as polar bears – and that we retract photographs issued to national newspapers.

Specifically, the court order prohibits “disseminating, printing, uploading, sharing, copying or otherwise publishing any images, photographs, pictures or other material (or copies thereof) taken or recorded by Greenpeace activists present within 50 Lothian Road, Edinburgh on or around 18 July 2011.” 

Cairn is clearly worried that our volunteers got their hands on their secret Arctic oil spill response plan yesterday. This court order is apparently aimed at preventing its publication.

So the Cairn cover up continues; this time, not just at the expense of the Arctic and the environment, but also at the expense of freedom of expression. 

We are deleting the photos but, as you might expect, we’re going to keep campaigning to protect the Arctic from reckless corporations who see the melting of the polar ice as a business opportunity.

By Bex

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