Seven Photos of Oil Spills You Need to See

by Cassady Craighill

April 1, 2013

At least 22 Arkansas families can now tell you that oil pipelines leak. Unfortunately for those families, thousands of barrels of crude, black oil from an Exxon pipeline leaked all over their neighborhood. The only good thing that could happen as a result of the latest disaster in the oil industry is a clean “No” to two major oil projects the United States is considering- the Keystone pipeline and Arctic drilling.

See seven more reasons below why we should say no to new oil projects. Take action now and say “No to Arctic drilling!”

7. The Kalamazoo River Oil Pipeline Leak

A sign warning residents about contamination of the Kalamazoo River is posted in Battle Creek. The oil is from a pipeline leak that spilled more than a million gallons of oil into a creek leading to the Kalamazoo River according to estimates from the Environmental Protection Agency and Enbridge Energy Partners, the company responsible for the spill.

6. Oil pollution in Komi-Region, Russia.

Documentation of oil pollution at oil fields in Komi-Region, Russia.The exploitation of oil causes a steady spills due to old and broken pipelines.

5. More than two years after BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster, oil is still on Gulf Coast beaches.

Oil sheen on beaches of the Gulf of Mexico from oil pollution traced to the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill brought to the surface by Hurricane Isaac in September 2012.

4. Oil expansion in New Zealand

Oil-smeared walk in New Zealand to protest Energy and Resources Minister Gerry Brownlee’sdetermination to dig and drill for more dirty fossil fuels while ignoring the impacts on climate change.

3. Exxon oil spill in Montana spoils Yellowstone River

Exxon Mobil has said between 31,500 and 42,000 gallons of crude flowed into the Yellowstone River following a leak July 1, 2011. That oil has fouled shoreline and contaminated backwaters along dozens of miles of the scenic river.

2. BP’s Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico

A group of baby brown pelicans, completely covered in oil, wait in a holding pen to be treated from the Deepwater Horizon wellhead disaster. The BP leased Deepwater Horizon oil platform exploded on April 20 and sank after burning.

1. Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska, 1989

Steller sea lions sitting on oil covered rocks after Exxon Valdez oil spill, Alaska

Cassady Craighill

By Cassady Craighill

Cassady is a media officer for Greenpeace USA based on the East Coast. She covers climate change and energy, particularly how both issues relate to the Trump administration.

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