Student Update from Copenhagen

by Mary Nicol

December 7, 2009

Here’s a quick update from Brinkley, Student Network Activist on the ground in Copenhagen.  She’ll be keeping us posted throughout the negotiations in Copenhagen, so stay tuned to to follow along.

German Activist

Today, I will go to the Bella Center and see more people in one space than I have ever seen together in my entire life.  Thirty-four thousand people have sought entry to the negotiations, and Copenhagen, a city of 2 million, ran out of its 17,600 hotel rooms this weekend.  This morning, Greenpeace youth, we will be engaging the crowd that approaches the Bella Center to take photos with speech bubbles for leaders, hot coffee, and our vibrant, demanding presence.  I expect that today will be crazy and unlike anything I can imagine. People will be everywhere; all kinds of NGO’s, climate and social justice activists, climate skeptics, nationalities and ages in the same place for a conference the likes of which the world has never seen. I’m stoked!

Let’s make sure that as many Americans as possible are paying attention to these very important climate talks. You can go here to get a sample letter

to submit to your newspaper.

To a just climate future,


Mary Nicol

By Mary Nicol

Mary is a Senior Campaigner who supports movement work to defend communities and the climate from extractive industries.

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