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San Diego Activists Protest Ban on Feeding Homeless in a Defiant “Feed-In”
With one of the highest poverty rates in San Diego County, Council members from the city of El Cajon recently voted 5-0 to ban feeding people experiencing homeless in parks…
Do You Know What Goes Into Your Bimbo Bread?
If you grew up going to la tienda with your parents to buy groceries like we did, you’re probably very familiar with Bimbo. You might even recognize their catchphrase: “Con…
Monsanto, Student Activism, and a New Normal
After a long Wednesday of classes, I tossed my backpack onto the kitchen table and decided to check my emails one last time before cooking dinner. Scanning my inbox, I…
Smart Breeding
Genetically engineered crops are very limited in sophistication, being almost completely dominated by herbicide tolerance and insect resistance traits. Could the numerous tools of biotechnology deliver better outcomes? This report tries to answer that question. Genetic engineering has an inability to deal with complex (multi-genetic) traits (often the ones most useful, such as increased yield)…
The Environmentalist: The coolest things bees do for the planet and humans
If you thought bees were only good for painful stings and teaching youngsters about reproduction (along with the birds), think again. Bees are incredibly valuable to our species and our…
Bees in decline
The next time you see a bee buzzing around, remember that much of the food we eat depends significantly on natural insect-mediated pollination -- the key ecosystem service that bees and other pollinators provide.
Rice, Biodiversity & Nutrients
What happened to the rice landraces during the 'Green Revolution'? There are few sectors in agriculture where the so-called Green Revolution had such an overwhelming impact as in rice production.
Amazon Cattle Footprint
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