Tell us your Apple and #cleancloud stories!

by Daniel Schreiber

April 26, 2012

Clean our CloudLet me start by saying I love Apple, I mean who doesnt? They make high quality products that are well designed and easy to use. I have owned quite a few Apple devices over the years and have many fond memories of them.

It all started about ten years ago when I received my first iPod as a birthday present. My initial reaction was Wait, I dont need to carry around 20 CDs with me anymore? It was mind-blowingly awesome to have the ability to listen to over 5,000 songs on a small portable device.

It saddens me to know that a company I associate with so many fond memories is using asthma inducing, greenhouse gas emitting dirty energy to power the iCloud. Fortunately, Apple can easily mend its ways by supporting 100% clean energy. We, their customers, need to tell Apple about all the fond memories we have of their products and explain to them that it saddens us to know they are powered by coal.

If the company hears from enough of us, I know they will make the right choice. Here is how you can participate:

1) Send out a short tweet about a fond Apple memory you have, for example:

I remember rocking out to White Stripes on my 1st iPod. I hope my next one uses a #cleancloud – #apple

I loved playing Dark Castle on my Apple II. Now I wish Apple didn’t use “dark” energy. #cleancloud

2) Everytime you use a current Apple product, send out a tweet about it using the hashtag #cleancloud, for example:

I am using my iPhone, I wish Apple would power the cloud with clean energy #cleancloud

I’m watching Dirty Harry on my iPad. I wish Apple didn’t use dirty energy. #cleancloud

Im playing Angry Birds Space on my iPhone, but I wish Apple had a #cleancloud

We are looking forward to hearing about all your fond Apple memories. Together we can convince the company we know and love to do the right thing and support clean, renewable energy.

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