Thanksgiving Leftovers

by Michelle Frey

November 25, 2009

The holiday season is upon us. While we all enjoy some time off from work and time spent with family and friends it may also mean some uncomfortable situations for many. Whether you are vegetarian stuck at a dinner table with a giant turkey in the middle or an environmentalist that ends up sitting next to Uncle Tom a global warming skeptic here’s a helpful guide for getting through this holiday season with your sanity intact…

Here are some tips for a peaceful Thanksgiving:

  • Bring your own tofurkey to ruffle their feathers. If you dont have a tofurkey to pass around don’t sweat it the best food at Thanksgiving is the sides anyway (sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie and rolls).
  • Bring a compact fluorescent light bulb to give your host instead of wine or flowers.
  • Dont hide behind the mashed potatoes when asked about your thoughts on global warming. People ask because they want to learn. Share what you know and give others the chance to be informed about the truth.
  • As you sit down to eat — remind grandma that the rolls still in the oven.
  • If there is a lull in the dinner chatter, share a story about your environmental activism. For example, the day you dressed up as a blue whale

and walked around the city.

  • If you can, ride your bike home from Thanksgiving dinner you’ll save on carbon miles and burn some calories too.
  • Avoid the Black Friday Mania! Skip the long lines and avoid all those bargain shoppers who are sure to knock you over for the latest gadget.
  • Get outside! Breathe in some fresh air, listen to the birds sing and enjoy the beautiful autumn leaves. Give thanks for what truly is important in life.



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