The Keystone XL pipeline is ACTUALLY a bunch of solar panels! Who knew?!?!

by Phil Radford

August 8, 2013

Dafeng Power Station is Chinas largest solar photovoltaic-wind hybrid power station, with 220MW of grid-connected capacity, of which 20 MW is solar PV. Located in Yancheng, Jiangsu province, it came into operation on December 31, 2010 and has 1,100 annual utilization hours. Every year it can generate 23 million KW-h of electricity, allowing it to save 7,000 tons of coal and 18,600 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

© Greenpeace / Zhiyong Fu

Originally posted to Grist

People from across the spectrum have been workingfor yearsagainst the Keystone XL pipeline because we thought it would lock us into decades more of climate-changing dirty energy. But it turns out, according to the TransCanada Facebook ad thats been popping up in many of our feeds lately, we got it all backwards:

Keystone FB

The Keystone XL pipeline is ACTUALLY a bunch of solar panels! Who knew?!?!

I wish this deceptive, manipulative ad were surprising rather than fitting into a larger pattern ofdeceptionthat has characterized this project. The truth is that America doesnt need this oil; fossil fuel companies need it. And theyre betting on Americans being fooled easily by shameless ploys.

If snake oil powered cars, these folks would be even richer. But Im not buying it, and I will proudly keep using my solar panels (which save me 30 percent compared to regular electric rates here in D.C.) and my U.S. made plug-in electric.

49 percentof Americas new energy last year was clean energy like the solar depicted in the tar sands pipeline ad. Ill stick with that, and keep working to stop the snakeoil KXL Tar Sands Pipeline.

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