Timberland steps it up a notch to help Save the Amazon!

by Mike Gaworecki

July 29, 2009

Thanks in great part to all of the emails and calls activists like you sent to the company, Timberland has announced a new policy agreement with Greenpeace that will help ensure the leather used in its boots and shoes is not contributing to new deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest or global warming. The policy will not only guide Timberland’s leather procurement from Brazil to ensure it’s not supporting deforestation, the policy also sets a deadline for Timberland suppliers to publicly commit to a moratorium on cattle expansion in the Amazon.

Greenpeace: Timberland steps it up a notch

Timberland worked with Greenpeace to craft a policy that will require its leather suppliers to commit to a moratorium on purchasing any cattle raised in newly deforested areas within the Amazon Rainforest. Given the cattle industry is Brazil’s top source of greenhouse gas emissions and the largest driver of deforestation in the world, a moratorium on cattle expansion is a critical component of any Zero Deforestation policy in Brazil that aims to reduce forest-related greenhouse gas emissions. Brazil has committed to achieving Zero Deforestation by 2015.

Thank Timberland for stepping it up a notch with its suppliers to help eliminate Amazon destruction from the leather sector in Brazil. Every step counts in the fight to save the Amazon and our climate!

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