Today’s the Day

by Chris Eaton

October 23, 2009

Today Greenpeace is joining and a massive coalition of organizations and grassroots activists around the world to demand world leaders do what is necessary to stop global warming. I’ll be updating this blog post throughout the October 24th International Day of Climate Action with news and photos from events around the country and around the world. You can also follow Greenpeace USA on Twitter.

Twitter Updates

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Live Blog

October 24 9:19 PM EST It has been an amazing day of climate action with over 4,000 events all over the world. We have made it clear to world leaders that people everywhere demand a fair, ambitious and binding UN climate deal in Copenhagen this December. As I close shop for this one momentous day I urge folks to remember what dirty energy does to our world and our communities everyday. In the words of Greenpeace Executive Director, Phil Radford, who spoke today at Chicago’s march on Fisk Coal-Fired Power station:

Dirty energy is giving asthma to kids in President Obamas hometown and pushing our planet toward a global warming catastrophe. Its time for Obama to live up to his promises to return science to its rightful place and stop letting coal and oil industry lobbyists write our nations energy policy. The world cant afford anything less.

Rally at Governors Mansion in Raleigh, NC!9:03 PM EST Photos from Boulder’s Power Past Coal Bike Ride to Valmont Power Plant are in! You can find Greenpeace Flickr Photos like this one from Colorado here, here, and here.Cyclist at Boulder's Power Past Coal Bike Ride

6:10 EST West Coast events such as the San Francisco Bicylce Tide Line and a Manhattan Beach rally are ongoing. Photos from farther east are pooring in! Check out thes photos Chicago, Boston, St. Louis, and NYC:

Created with flickr slideshow.

This is one of my favorite photos from the Boston Under Water Festival where a coalition of organizations and activists called attention to threat of rising sea levels do to global warming:

boston under water festival And at a rally earlier in Tampa:tampa rally


October 23 4:52 PM EST – October 24th, the International Day of Climate Action poses to be the largest, most coordinated day of action for the environment in history. And it has already begun in New Zealand!

As part of a large global alliance of organizations coming together on Oct. 24th, Greenpeace is calling on the world’s leaders to agree to a climate deal that is ambitious, fair and binding. Together, we are pushing for a strong climate treaty that will not only reverse the march of dangerous climate change but also help us tackle some of the worlds largest challenges like deforestation.

TAKE ACTION: Demand a global climate deal that is ambitious, fair and binding.

Participating in the day of action? Leave a comment to this blog and tell us what you are doing!


By Chris Eaton

Chris is the Senior Digital Campaigns Manager at Greenpeace USA. He's passionate about building movements and connecting change makers through digital storytelling. Follow him on Twitter at @chr15_eat0n.

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