Update from Mt Rushmore

by Jessica Miller

July 9, 2009

Greetings from South Dakota. Let me start out by saying, "thank you." Many of you have read about the action that 11 of us took at Mt Rushmore yesterday. It has been a long couple of days and the support that we have felt from all of you has made the long hours, the grueling conditions on the mountain and the time spent in jail, worth it. We couldn’t do it without you.

I wanted to give you an update form the field. All eleven of us are tired but aside form a small amount of bumps and bruises we are all safe and  healthy. We are all out of jail and are currently awaiting our day in court here in South Dakota. I promise to keep you updated on how things progress.

I’m looking forward to giving you all a play by play of how thing went the day of the action. Mt. Rushmore belongs to all of us and I want you to know that while eleven us up were physically up there on the monument, we felt like we were up there speaking with the voice of every American that is standing up to demand action on global warming. So for tonight, I will say thanks and for tomorrow, I’ll write more about the day of action to tell you more about how it all went down and to give you the opportunity to ask me questions. In the meantime, I’m going to have some dinner and get some rest.

If you haven’t already, join me in taking action. Demand leadership on global warming from President Obama. And check out the video of yesterday’s action.




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