Verizon gets their wires crossed: Call them now!

by Mike Gaworecki

September 4, 2009

As you have no doubt heard by now, a variety of conservative organizations led by a Big Oil industry group are staging Astroturf rallies around the country to "protest" global warming legislation. What you may not know is that a self-proclaimed eco-friendly company, Verizon, is co-sponsoring a rally in West Virginia. And not just any rally, but the "Friends of America" rally, which is organized by Massey Energy, a union-busting coal company that’s a major force behind mountaintop removal in Appalachia.

Verizon is always asking, "Can you hear me now?" So call Verizon and make sure they can hear YOU. Tell them that their support of this global warming denial rally is unacceptable. Here’s what to do:

1. Call 908-559-2000 (Verizon’s executive offices – you can probably leave a message)
2. Tell them you have a complaint you want to register with the company. If you’re a customer of Verizon, mention that fact.
3. Here’s what to say:

I just heard that Verizon is a sponsor of a rally THIS LABOR DAY in West Virginia that is denying the reality of global warming and obstructing climate solutions. This is outrageous and unacceptable. Global warming is important to me because XXXX. I demand that Verizon withdraw sponsorship of this rally immediately.

You can also mention that unless Verizon pulls out of this rally, you will (choose whichever applies to you):

a. Drop your Verizon service (or will likely drop your service)
b. You will tell your friends to drop their Verizon service
c. You will never be a Verizon wireless customer

If that first number doesn’t work, try these:

845-365-7700 Verizon Executive Services
908-717-3115 Verizon Escalation Hotline
240-568-2459 Verizon Executive Relations
908-559-7000 Verizon headquarters

After you make the call, you can go here and let us know how it went. Thanks for taking the time to make your voice heard and let Verizon know that we can hear them, and we don’t like what we’re hearing!

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