Vote for the new face of BP!

by Guest Blogger

July 22, 2010

Greenpeace UK organized some serious brand damage to BP with its "Rebrand BP" logo competition and now they want us to vote on the most powerful redesign of the Big Polluter’s logo. The winners will be used in Greenpeace’s ongoing efforts to hold BP and the rest of Big Oil accountable for the destruction they’ve wrought on the Gulf and the planet.

With almost 2,000 logo submissions, the competition was an amazing success! But luckily you don’t have to weed through hundreds of images to make your pick. Just check out the top picks from Greenpeace staff and cast your vote today! 

The categories are Best Rebranded Logo, Best Illustration, Best Wildlife, Best Slogan, and (my personal fav) WTF?!.

My picks are:

For Best Slogan

This design shows the spill in the context of the whole planet and our interconnected oceans. It reflects how the sea floor has been literally cracked open by thousands of oil rigs and how dangerously deep many companies have drilled. Recall that the Deepwater Horizon rig broke a record for drilling the deepest well in the world at one time. Are we at "breaking point"? Most definitely.

For Best Wildlife

No words… can do justice to the impact of this design. BP CEO Tony Hayward’s phrase, "I would like my life back," juxtaposed with the oiled bird is utterly unforgettable. No wonder it’s currently #1.

For Best Illustration

While not BP-specific, this design shows what drilling for oil and gas is ultimately doing to the planet better than any other, in my humble opinion.

And lastly, drumroll please… for Best Rebranded Logo (and the new face of BP) I choose: 

The Gulf and its inhabitants, from people to pelicans, will never really recover from this catastrophic oil spill. We can’t spread our oiled wings and fly into a clean energy future until we kick our oil addiction, stop offshore drilling, and get our government to end subsidies for oil and coal and invest in renewable energy.

But don’t just listen to me, vote for the logo redesigns you think are most powerful. Please vote for your favs and share them widely — what better way to contribute to BP’s ‘image problems’?

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