Watch our side event live from Copenhagen 2PM Eastern/11AM Pacific

by Mike Gaworecki

December 8, 2009

Update: You can’t watch it online any more, obviously, but you can watch the whole thing right here.

At 8:00PM Copenhagen time — 2:00PM Eastern, 11:00AM Pacific — you can watch our "side event" live online. It’s rather descriptively entitled, “Yes He Can! How President Obama Can Deliver Stronger Emissions Reductions.”

Greenpeace banner: America Honors LeadersThough the UN climate summit is alredy upon us and it is now the 11th hour, Obama can still get it right. He can still inspire the whole world to take the necessary actions that will avert a total climate catastrophe. We’ve assembled a panel for our side event to layout just how he can do that. The speakers include:

  • Greenpeace USA’s very own Kyle Ash, global warming policy advisor;
  • Kassie Segal, a lawyer from the Center for Biological Diversity;
  • Marcelo Furtado, executive director of Greenpeace Brazil, who will give us the international perspective.

Keep in mind that this is a livestream from a conference center with over 20,000 people inside of it, all of whom are probably furiously tweeting, blogging, and emailing the folks back home. So there might be intermittent delays in the webcast. Just bear with us.

Also bear in mind that while this is a very exciting time, as we’re literally here witnessing negotiations on the future of the planet, this is going to be an in-depth policy and legislative discussion. There will be some powerpoint presentations, but otherwise nothing you’d call visually stimulating. Still, it should be very interesting if, you know, you’re into this kind of thing.

Starts in about an hour, tune in!

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