Whales WIN! The California Coastal Commission Sends PG&E Packing

by Phil Kline

November 16, 2012

Our coastal heritage both cultural and environmental is priceless and NOT to be sacrificed for one companies profits—not now, not ever.

Humpback whales break the surface as they head south to Antarctica for the summer, 30th September 2012, Southern Indian Ocean.

© Paul Hilton / Greenpeace

Whale lovers, it’s time to CELEBRATE and thank the California Coastal Commission (CCC) for protecting whales, dolphins, sea otters, and a long list of other marine wildlife from the devastating impacts of a proposed seismic testing project by PG&E. Last Wednesday, the CCC voted unanimously to deny PG&E’s application to conduct seismic testing in California’s coastal waters adjacent to the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant.

The proposed seismic tests would have blasted powerful underwater air cannons every 15 seconds for 9 days decimating marine life from whales to plankton. PG&E had hoped by doing this and mapping another earthquake fault they could then claim that Diablo Canyon was safe and should have its operating licensee renewed. Earthquakes, oceans and nuke plants are a dangerous combination no matter how many tests they do Fukushima need I say more.

Nearly 60,000 of you took part on our online action and sent the CCC a message urging them to deny PG&E’s permit request. During the Commission’s deliberations they thanked the public for their comments and participation, letting us all know that they heard us and agreed with us. I too want to thank everyone who contacted the CCC. The coalition that came together to fight this insane proposal was rather amazing with whale lovers, conservationists, fishermen, native Americans and a host of others standing together telling the CCC not now, not ever, our coastal heritage both cultural and environmental is priceless and NOT to be sacrificed for one companies profits.

Several of the commissioners went on to tell PG&E that proposals like this will never be approved in California. Also that PG&E should decommission the Diablo Canyon nuke plant, shut it down permanently and start investing in green energy alternatives. I couldn’t agree more.

Phil Kline

By Phil Kline

Phil is a senior oceans campaigner at Greenpeace USA. He is a recognized expert on oceans policy domestically and internationally, and has represented Greenpeace U.S. at International Whaling Commission (IWC) meetings and Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission meetings around the globe.

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