In two days, over 28,000 people sent messages to President Obama to protect the whales

by Michelle Frey

January 13, 2011

Blue Whale

It’s amazing what we can accomplish when we work together.

In two days, over 28,000 people have sent a message to President Obama, demanding him to keep his word to end commercial whaling once and for all by reforming the IWC.

Join them now by taking action.

It’s clear that Americans want President Obama to use his power to help save the whales.

Greenpeace surveyed 1,000 people from all over the country and 83% of them said they’d like President Obama to stand by his pledge to strengthen the ban on commercial whaling.

And, recently, we had a whales victory in Japan. Officials with the Japanese Fishing Agency publicly admitted that they received whale meat as “gifts” from private companies contracted by the government to slaughter whales.

Our pressure is working, we just have to keep it up.

We Need Your Voice. Join Us!

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