Mermaid Parades Spread Word about Chicken of the Sea Destruction

by Guest Blogger

November 14, 2011

Chicken of the Sea‘s destructive fishing methods are risking the future of our oceans and the long term health of the industry.

Every single year, hundreds of thousands of marine animals, like birds, endangered sea turtles, dolphins, and sharks are killed in their quest for tuna and profit. With Chicken of the Sea headquartered less than 10 miles from the Greenpeace San Diego Office, it’s critical to build the public pressure here in their backyard to get them to adopt sustainable, non-destructive methods.

Last week, Greenpeace San Diego activists hit the streets on the boardwalk of Mission Beach to let locals know what their neighborhood company was doing to our oceans. San Diegans should know that Chicken of the Sea is literally driven by ocean destruction.

For a solid hour the Chicken of the Sea “Mermaid” and her attendant mermaids made their presence felt, resplendent in an ocean chariot towed by faithful tuna and by-catch–a monstrous spectacle. Along the parade’s path, bubbly calypso music was interrupted by ominous moments of theatrical carnage, where locals and tourists alike joined in and took photo petitions. Some tourists even donned tuna costumes and marched with the parade, to show their support for change.

Mermaid parades are popping up all over the country, as more and more people become aware of Chicken of the Sea’s destructive fishing practices. From Boston to San Diego, more and more people are imploring Chicken of the Sea to stop rippin’ up the sea and adopt sustainable fishing methods.

Chicken of the Sea, your customers are quickly becoming aware of your callous business practices and destructive fishing methods. Remember that taking all the profit today means there will be no tuna for tomorrow.

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