Saving whales and saving the Tokyo Two

by Guest Blogger

July 15, 2009

I love Japan. I will be the first to say it! And it’s not only because they have probably the best thing ever. I mean, c’mon! Happy Monday System! I was born to be there…

But seriously, it’s my life goal to become fluent in Japanese, so I can watch my favorite Studio Ghibli films without needing subtitles. I really admire the art and the entire culture of Japan, I am drawn to it… but then, I read about what Junichi and Toru are going through. And my idealized image of Japan is thrown by the wayside. 

If you don’t know the story, I’ll give it to you in brief:



The Japanese Government has a program that uses lethal methods to practice "scientific research" on whales. Really, it’s whaling for commercialization and when Junichi and Toru exposed this obvious hypocrisy  – an investigation was almost started on the whaling industry – they were arrested… for theft. 

Again, before the haters start in, before it becomes a case of "he who sins not shall cast the first stone," before it becomes a circular argument: Greenpeace does not stand in judgement. 

The real issue at hand here is that Japan, an awesome country by every right, is outright lying to their countrymen, the world and to themselves. 

I hope that the trial for Junichi and Toru forces the Japanese government to deal with the disparities of what they are communicating by words and what they are communicating with actions. An end to commerical whaling would be a great shift towards taking care of our oceans and in turn, our planet. Marine Reserves Now! 

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