The Tokyo Two on Trial

by Allison Kole

May 29, 2009

Two weeks ago, the Japanese government was set back in its attempt to cover up a whale meat embezzlement scandal while prosecuting two brave Greenpeace activists. The court has agreed to hear key evidence the prosecution has fought to keep out of the trial of  Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki. Also, additional evidence held by the prosecutor’s office may be forced to be made public.

On June 20th, it will be one year since the arrest of Junichi and Toru.  In this time they have faced detention, police pressure, and a series of closed pre-trial proceedings. See the Timeline of the T2  story.  We are glad that the full story will now be heard in court.  Without pressure from activists around the globe, Junichi and Toru would not have this fighting chance.  Please continue to take action and spread the word about the T2.  I will be blogging from Japan in the coming weeks as I help the effort to free the Tokyo Two, an effort that has been galvanized by supporters and partners worldwide.    Sign the petition: Free Junichi and Toru or Arrest Me Too!


See the video: Whaling on Trial




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