White House Whales

by Alexis Sadoti

April 15, 2010

If you happened to be at the White House yesterday afternoon, you might have noticed a couple of whales hanging around. Yes, the whales are back and they are not leaving until Obama rejects the Japanese proposal to resume the commercial slaughter of whales that is currently being considered by the International Whaling Commission (IWC).

Our whale friends are entertaining; they dance, they give out hugs and stickers, they wave, and they just make people smile. But, what if one day they just weren’t there anymore? The whales are running out of time and their voices alone aren’t enough. They are out there trying to get you to listen to them and help them tell Obama that overturning the whale moratorium could be the most devastating thing to ever happen to the whale populations.

As a candidate, President Obama said, “As president, I will ensure that the U.S. provides leadership in enforcing international wildlife protection agreements, including strengthening the international moratorium on commercial whaling. Allowing Japan to continue commercial whaling is unacceptable.” (March 16, 2008 – Greenpeace candidate questionnaire). We should not be legitimizing whaling, we should be phasing it out.

 The whales need your help to give them a voice; Two whales at the White House may not be enough. If you want to help them out, there is going to be a rally to oppose commercial whaling on Earth day (April 22nd). From 12:30 PM to 1 PM our whales, and hopefully you, will be once again asking Obama to not overturn the ban on commercial whaling. You can find them on the National Mall at 12th street followed by a march past the White House.

If you can’t make it, please take action and help our beloved whales tell Obama to not overturn the whaling moratorium.

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