A Dance With Seals

by Sune Scheller

July 15, 2012

The wildlife here in the Bering Sea never ceases to amaze you. With the Waitt Institute’s submarine we are exploring the worlds largest underwater canyons. The other day our onboard campaigner, Jackie Dragon, uncovered a grand and rare skate nursery.

On a recent dive two curious and playful seals joined our diver at the surface. We got it on video and added a little music.

The wildlife here is truly magnificent, but its in need of protection. You can learn more about the Bering Sea. www.beringseacanyon.org

After exploring the Bering Sea, we’re headed to the Arctic with these submarines to study the marine habitats where Shell plans to drill this summer. You can take action at www.savethearctic.org

By Sune Scheller

Sune Scheller is an Arctic campaigner with Greenpeace Nordic.

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