Federal agency says Arctic drilling would likely cause disaster. Heres what you can do

by John Deans

November 18, 2014

Polar bear cubs warm coats ruined by crude oil. Seal dens crushed by icebreakers. Whales inhaling toxic fumes. These arent just scary scenarios from environmental groups. Theyre analysis from our own federal government.

A recent report from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) declared that there is a 75% chance of a large spill if Shell drills for oil in the Arctic. You read that right. If oil is found in the Arctic, theres a 75% chance of disaster.

What kind of disaster?

According to the analysis, a large oil spill would cause hypothermia on polar bears with oil-soaked pelts as well as ingestion of oil leading to ulcers, liver damage, and brain damage.

Exposure to crude oil would be lethal for beluga whales. A large spill would disrupt the October migration for bowhead whales.

And a spill would leave nearly the entire population of Pacific walrus vulnerable.

Incredibly, the Obama administration may still allow Shell to drill. This despite the fact that for the previous two years, even Shell has decided to scrap its drilling plans.

Fortunately, five million people around the world have joined Greenpeace in speaking out for the Arctic, calling on world governments to save this precious place from greedy oil drillers.

And just this summer, supporters convinced LEGO not to renew its partnership with Shell, dealing a big blow to the oil companys public image.

BOEM is taking public comments on its analysis until December 22. Take a minute right now to tell BOEM to read its own reports and ban Shell from the Arctic.

John Deans

By John Deans

As a former Arctic Campaigner, John worked with lawmakers, coalition partners, activists, and the media in Greenpeace's efforts to protect the Arctic from the dangers of industrial activity.

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